Broadband Preamplifier for up to 7 GHz

Simple MMIC Broadband Amplifier

Luckily the times when DIY projects in the GHz range have been the final frontier that’s rarely been crossed are over. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (short MMIC) are making the design of microwave (pre-)amplifiers a piece of cake. Mini-Circuits GVA-84+ is a perfect candidate for a simple 7 GHz preamplifier. The datasheet [1] of the … [Read more…]

BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK and QAM Calculator

A little tool for various calculations revolving around PSK and QAM modulation schemes commonly found in ENG, SNG, and BAS applications. Useful for bandwidth calculations in satellite (VSAT) and terrestrial broadcast applications. The calculator takes factors such as Forward Error Correction (FEC) and roll-off values into account. It’s also extremely useful for amateur radio operators … [Read more…]

Frequency modulation vs. phase modulation

Probably any person interested in RF knows the basic concept of frequency (FM) and phase modulation (PM) as the terms are pretty much self self-explanatory. Yet when it comes to the practical implementation, I frequently notice how little the properties of both modulation techniques are actually understood. From my experience, a vast majority falsely believes … [Read more…]