Tremolo DSP Effect for Arduino

This article continues my newly acquired interest in implementing digital signal processing algorithms on the Arduino GIGA R1 by showing how to implement a tremolo effect algorithm in software. After showing how to implement an Audio Loopback Device and a DSP Diode Clipping Algorithm for Overdrive and Distortion Effects on the Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi, […]
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DSP Diode Clipping Algorithm for Overdrive and Distortion Effects

This article shows how to approximate the behaviour of a regular diode in a mathematical equation and how to subsequently implement the behaviour in software. The DSP algorithm can be modified to implement different topologies, such as single diode clipping, dual diode symmetrical soft clipping or asymmetrical clipping. The easiest way to implement distortion through […]
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Program uBlox GPS-module timepulse frequency (dynamically) with an Arduino

The uBlox GPS-modules are capable of providing various reference clock signals through the TIMEPULSE pin. By default, this pin outputs a 1 pulse-per-second (PPS) signal. For an upcoming project, a GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO), this output had to be adjusted to 100 kHz. Instead of using the manufactuer’s software, u-center, this task is supposed to […]
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