Author: Sebastian Westerhold
Measuring filter response using a noise source

If you own a spectrum analyzer with tracking generator or, even better, a good vector network analyzer, measuring the frequency response of a filter is fairly easy. But there is one old approach using a noise source that can turn any oscilloscope with a FFT spectrum view into a useful tool for determining the frequency … [Read more…]
Jackson Labs Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC)
Quick look at the Jackson Labs Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) including a very brief jitter analysis using the LeCroy WaveRunner 640 Zi 4 GHz, 40 GS/s oscilloscope.
Crystal oscillator frequency pulling
This video briefly explains how to influence a crystal oscillator’s frequency by introducing reactive elements such as trim capacitors and inductors:
Teledyne LeCroy HDO4024 Teardown
Since the text-blog article about me tearing down my Teledyne LeCroy HDO4024 was so successful, I decided to shoot a video with a more detailed teardown. Here it is:
Look Inside: Teledyne LeCroy HDO4024

True beauty lies within, or so they say. For an exclusive look under the hood, I decided to break the warranty seal on my Teledyne LeCroy HDO4024. It took me a while to debate with myself whether or not I should void the warranty on this scope. Curiosity won and I couldn’t resist, I just … [Read more…]
IC-706 MKII Extended Tx Modification

Expanding the transmit range of an amateur radio transceiver is probably the most common modification. Because of its use associated with the Military Auxiliary Radio Service (MARS) or Civil Air Patrol (CAP), this modification is often referred to as MARS or CAP mod. This article shows how to perform this extended transmit modification on the … [Read more…]