1. Hello,

    Nice article, but two questions come to my mind:
    Regarding the circuit with the NE602 do you think it could scale to 8-10.7Mhz range of input frequencies, scaling L1/C5 tank to the appropriate frequency?
    L1 being 820u and C5 100pF wouldn’t the tank frequency be around 555Khz?

    73 de Ricardo, CT2GQV

    • KF5OBS

      Ricardo, thank you for your comment. First off, yes, I believe it would work for 10.7 MHz. You can use a 10.7 MHz “IF can”-type IF tank for L1 / C5. Maybe harvest one out of an old radio. And yes, the mathematical resonance frequency would come out to about 555 kHz. However, as Einstein already noted, as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. This is not math’s fault though. We assume our inductors and capacitors to be ideal. A real world inductor, however, has stray capacitance and a real world capacitor has stray inductance. Therefore, the expected resonance frequency is always lower in reality.

      • Hello,
        I was also thinking in component imperfection. We hams, as Einstein, know that math only match reality to a certain degree.
        I will have a go with the circuit at 8Mhz, just have to find a suitable coil in the recycle bin.
        Thank you for your time,
        73 de Ricardo, CT2GQV

        • KF5OBS

          You can use a standard 10.7 MHz tank out of an old radio and add an extra capacitor in parallel to bring the resonance frequency down to 8 MHz.

  2. Erik dos Santos

    Nice Article.

    I’m working on a Analog TV Sattelite demodulation and discovered that the audio from sattelite is modulated on a 5,8Mhz Carrier, it’s possible to adapt this circuit with NE602 to work with 5,8Mhz ??

    • KF5OBS

      Yes, absolutely. L1 and C5 would have to be resonant right around 5.8 MHz for that purpose. Or you could use another NE602 type mixer to mix the 5.8 MHz signal down to the 455 kHz or 500 kHz would suffice, too. The exact frequency is not too critical with this circuit.

  3. Geza Faludi

    The oscillator input of NE612 is on pin 6 (the base of the transistor), however on your drawing the pahse-shifted signal is fed to the emitter (pin 7). Is there any particular reason of this or is it just a drawing mistake?

    • KF5OBS

      You are correct, it’s a drawing mistake! I’m aware of it but somehow forgot to change the drawing. Now if I could only find the schematic file… Ah well, stay tuned!

  4. Peter

    A tiny amount of the IF signal is branched off through C4 into the LC tank circuit consisting of L1 and C5. C6 brings the now phase shifted signal into the second input of the NE602. FROM THIS INFO I AM CONCERNED THAT THAT SECOND INPUT OF THE IC (PIN 2) IS ONLY CONNECTED TO GROUND VIA A DECOUPLING CAP? SO HOW DOES IT FEEDBACK?

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