Instrument Landing System Testing

This video shows how easy it is to test an Instrument Landing System, ILS for short, receiver for localizer and glideslope accuracy. This video was shot in DNxHD using the Blackmagic HyperDeck shuttle I showed in another video ( After editing in Adobe Premiere and finishing it off in SpeedGrade, I exported it to h.264 … [Read more…]

Video Distribution Amplifier | 10 MHz Reference Distribution

75 Ohm vs. 50 Ohm BNC Connectors

Three Sigma VDA-100 Video Distribution Amplifiers (DA) have been sitting on my shelf for a while. The DAs have been waiting to be repurposed for something useful. When Jackson Labs sent me a custom variant of the FireFly-IIA GPS-Locked double ovenized 10 MHZ reference oscillator, I decided to repurpose one of the VDA-100 as a … [Read more…]