Secondary Surveillance Radar | An Introduction
Quick introduction to Secondary Surveillance Radar and how it works. After explaining the absolute basics, I am showing how one can simulate transponder responses using off-the-shelf test equipment. RTL1090 is used to verify the generated signals as valid. If you want the arb waveform file for the 7777 Mode A response, here it is:
Tektronix TSG4106 Introduction & Teardown
Quick look both at & inside the brand new Tektronix TSG4106 6 GHz vector signal generator. They say real beauty lies on the inside and this beauty certainly measures up, inside and out.
Teledyne LeCroy Factory Tour
A tour of the Teledyne LeCroy factory in Chestnut Ridge, NY. Great insight into the high quality standards that LeCroy is known for. Tour guide is Corporate Quality Manager Mark DeVries. Tyler Cox, VP Worldwide Oscilloscope Operations, is also seen in the video.
Instrument Landing System Testing
This video shows how easy it is to test an Instrument Landing System, ILS for short, receiver for localizer and glideslope accuracy. This video was shot in DNxHD using the Blackmagic HyperDeck shuttle I showed in another video ( After editing in Adobe Premiere and finishing it off in SpeedGrade, I exported it to h.264 … [Read more…]
Tektronix RSA306 IF Frequency Verification

After posting the teardown video of the Tektronix RSA306 USB 3.0 Spectrum Analyzer on my YouTube channel, someone asked me to verify that the IF sampled by the Linear Technology 14-Bit / 125 Msps ADC is really at 140 MHz. Using the Tektronix MDO4104B-6 and a passive RF probe, I gladly did so. With a … [Read more…]