Westerhold, S. (2014), "Filter Measurement using Noise Source". Baltic Lab High Frequency Projects Blog. ISSN (Online): 2751-8140., https://baltic-lab.com/2014/10/filter-measurement-using-noise-source/, (accessed: September 10, 2024).
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What guidelines would you follow when using this kind of setup with a directional coupler to find the SWR curve for an antenna? Would you be concerned about unintentionally transmitting?
Well, I wouldn’t be more concerned about unintentional emissions than I would be using a “traditional” tracking generator. Of course, in this case, the broadband noise makes it into the air and can cause unintentional interference. For your SWR measurement the set-up would be exactly the the same as with a tracking gen, just connect the noise source to the side of the directional coupler that you would normally connect to the tracking gen.