1. Could this be used as a 100-150MHz VFO to feed the the Ham It Up v1.0 – RF Upconverter (a HF adapter used with a RTL-SDR USB dongle)?

    The Upconverter may be used in-reverse to generate a HF TX signal from a 100-150MHz input.

    If so, could this device be modulated for DSB and/or SSB? PSK31, etc?


    David KD4E

    • KF5OBS

      David, short answer: yes.

      Long answer:
      100 – 150 MHz should be possible. I’d have to take a closer look at the manual though if the span may be a bit too big. If it is, the ADF4351 can definitely do it. Modulating the signal directly is really just possible with CW (OOK) FM or PM for that matter. However, since we live in the 21st century, you could add an I/Q modulator and a smart microcontroller and you’d be able to use pretty much any modulation known to man. Analog devices has matching I/Q modulators available.

      • You are way ahead of me on the I/Q modulator for SSB & DSB, but it’s sure good to know it’s possible, Someone far more technically-astute than I will have to show the way. Sure sounds like exciting possibilities are out there!

        OK on the VFO. If I read this correctly then 160-10m would require 101.8 MHz – 130MHz.

        http://code.google.com/p/opendous/wiki/Upconverter “If you have a VHF transmitter that operates in the 100MHz to 150MHz range then the Upconverter can be used in reverse as a down-converting mixer to broadcast over 0.5MHz to 50MHz (downconverted 100.5MHz to 150MHz signal).”


  2. anders

    Hi, do you have a spectrum analyzer view of the output at say 1GHz?
    I’ve been testing an ADF4350 eval-board, and I do get the correct output frequency, but my spectra look like “open loop VCO” spectra with very strong/wide tails. The nice looking spectra I find online with e.g. SPAN of 500kHz and RBW 100Hz have a noise power below -90dBm at just 50Hz offset from the carrier. Like this one:

    I wonder if that kind of performance is doable with ADF4350 or ADF4360? We do have a very stable 10MHz signal/clock in the lab we can use. But perhaps the wenzel-oscillator at 100MHz used in that link is much much better than the VCO in ADF4350/ADF4360??

    • KF5OBS

      The ADF4351 and the ADF4360-X PLLs / VCOs are actually quite clean. Can you post a picture of the output spectrum you are getting? I’ll be more than glad to do the same and then we can compare. It’s possible that either you have a bad board or that it’s an abnormality unique to a certain frequency / frequency range. Remember that you can (and should) configure the loop parameters. I think by default the PFD frequency is 200 kHz. Accordingly, you’re gonna see 200 kHz spurs. If you play around with the loop parameters I am sure that you can minimize the spurs. A modern DDS is probably gonna outperform the ADF4351 and ADF4360 without problems.

      • anders

        I’ve posted my ADF4350 spectrum over here:
        I am using the 1 GHz output from the ADF4350 as the SYSCLK input for an AD9912 DDS. The DDS output at 100MHz is also show, with two different SYSCLK configurations.

        My understanding is that any phase-noise on the SYSCLK will more or less directly show up on the DDS output. So to get the best possible DDS output the 1 GHz SYSCLK needs to be as good as possible.
        My DDS output spectra are still quite far away from what is shown in the AD9912 datasheet, or in the results by Martein/PA3AKE that I linked to.

        Can you make a measurement of the ADF4350 or ADF4360 with the same settings, SPAN 500 kHz, RBW 100Hz? What is the datasheet phase-noise number for your spectrum analyzer?


  3. I need a kickstart with some code written to work on the Arduino IDE interfacing directly to the AD4350 chip. My desired frequency is 2300MHz using the 25MHz PD frequency. I have the arduino ftdi board working well with “blink”. I also have the AD4350 working well using their software and the Eval board. After I get the 2300MHz going, I will want to do a fractional frequency out of 838 MHz. Any help will be appreciated. I am willing to pay for your time as it will greatly shorten my learning curve.

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