1. Ashish Roy

    Well your review gives all the necessary information about the ADF4351 eval. board which is also there in the user guide…but no information is provided about programming the device using a micro controller with serial interface. Does it contain an EEPROM so that once programmed through the PC (using the given software), it can be used as a standalone system for LO generation(as an example).Or will it always require a controller interface to give the divider settings.

    • KF5OBS

      Ashish, I admit that the review is very brief. The device does not contain an EEPROM. However, you can use a very cheap microcontroller that doesn’t do anything but writing the right registers and goes to sleep. The interface is a standard SPI interface and the exact way of programming data to the chip via SPI is explained in the datasheet. I will shortly post sample codes for Atmel AVR / MSP430 based MCUs using Arduino (AVR) / Energia (MSP430) for folks who would like to experiment with it more easily.

      • Gerhard Steuerwald

        Hi,can I also get the software for an AVR-controller?
        I have got a pcb with the rf circuit and want to realize the usb-spi interface.
        Thanks and regards

  2. Brock

    Did you ever get around to programming the ADF4351 via SPI? I’ve read the data sheet but I don’t understand how the prescaler and feedback select contribute to the calculation of MOD seen in the software that comes with the development board.

  3. Well, you know, leaving own email address helps on these cases… andrea(at)awd.it

    Hi there ā€“ maybe Iā€™m too late but if someone has written some Arduino code/library may I receive some hints/links? Many thank in advance.

    ā€“ Andrea

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