Teledyne LeCroy WS3054
Quick overview of the brand new Teledyne LeCroy WaveSurfer 3000 series oscilloscopes. Demonstrating the Decode and Wave Scan functions as well as the history mode on a Wave Surfer 3053.
Hobbyists and the Cost of Software Options
This article takes a closer look at the cost and value of software license keys as found in modern test equipment. Today I came across an article on Hackaday [1]. The article was Hackaday’s response to a DMCA Takedown Notice they have received from Tektronix. The DMCA Takedown Notice was aimed by Tektronix at a … [Read more…]
LeCroy WS3162 and HDO4024 Bugs
Exposing some bugs on LeCroy’s new WaveStation 3162 and the HDO4024 oscilloscope. Bug 1 (WS3162): When modulation is applied to a channel, the amplitude drops below the set value. Bug 2 (WS3162): Phase control dysfunctional on both channels when modulation is applied to either one channel. Bug 3 (HDO4024): Spectrum calculation locks up and slows … [Read more…]
VOR NAV Receiver Testing
This video shows how to generate a complex test signal to emulate a ground based radio navigation system for aircraft (VOR). The generated signal can then be used to verify the accuracy of navigational receivers intended to be used with a VOR. Used in this video: LeCroy WS3162, LeCroy HDO4024 and Yaesu FTA-720
Tiger / Rat Tail for Handheld Radios
Handheld radios are getting more and more sophisticated and versatile. The bottleneck for modern handheld radios is often the stock antenna. There is an extremely simple yet very effective add-on called a “Tiger Tail” or “Rat Tail” to remedy this situation. This article is going to explain how to make your own. For less than … [Read more…]