Program uBlox GPS-module timepulse frequency (dynamically) with an Arduino

uBlox NEO-6 GPS module connected to an Arduino Uno for dynamic Timepulse 5 setting.

The uBlox GPS-modules are capable of providing various reference clock signals through the TIMEPULSE pin. By default, this pin outputs a 1 pulse-per-second (PPS) signal. For an upcoming project, a GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO), this output had to be adjusted to 100 kHz. Instead of using the manufactuer’s software, u-center, this task is supposed to be accomplished using an Arduino. This article shows how to (dynamically) adjust the TIMEPULSE reference signal using an Arduino.

SITOR-B / NAVTEX Test Signal Generation

The NAVTEX test signal was successfully received on a NAV4 Navtex receiver

This article shows how to generate valid NAVTEX message bitstream using an Arduino. The Arduino implements proper CCIR476 character encoding, SITOR-B forward error correction, synchronization and phasing signals. An entry-level function generator is then used as a FSK modulator on 518 kHz where it can be received by a NAVTEX receiver.