Critical length of a PCB trace and when to treat it as a transmission line

Ideally, the impedance of PCB traces should be matched to the load and source impedances. This becomes especially important in high-frequency and high-speed digital PCB designs. Various rules of thumb are available to determine the critical length at which a PCB trace should be treated as a transmission line. Below this critical length, an impedance […]
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Universal Clock Translator using Renesas VersaClock 6E Devices

Due to the popularity of the QO-100 geostationary amateur radio communication satellite, precision GPS reference frequency sources (GPSDO) are becoming more and more common in home labs. The desire to derive different, fixed frequency signals from a GPSDO has similarly been increasing as different devices requiere different reference clocks with different frequencies. Therefore, this article […]
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LNB Modification for 10 GHz QO-100 Satellite Reception

This article shows how to modify an inexpensive LNB to accept an external LO-reference signal in order to be used as a K-band downconverter for QO-100 (Qatar Es’hail 2) amateur radio sattelite reception, radio astronomy or similar K-band experiments. This article is a shortened version of a scientific paper that I wrote as the lead […]
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