Diplexer with integrated Bias-T (Triplexer) for QO-100 and X-band microwave reception using LNBs

This article shows how to build a simple Triplexer (Diplexer plus integrated DC Bias-T) for use with commercial TV LNBs for QO-100 or X-band microwave experiments. Introduction When using modified, commercial LNBs for reception of the QO-100 amateur radio satellite or X-band microwave experiments, it is necessary to pass a clock-reference signal, a DC supply […]
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Universal Clock Translator using Renesas VersaClock 6E Devices

Due to the popularity of the QO-100 geostationary amateur radio communication satellite, precision GPS reference frequency sources (GPSDO) are becoming more and more common in home labs. The desire to derive different, fixed frequency signals from a GPSDO has similarly been increasing as different devices requiere different reference clocks with different frequencies. Therefore, this article […]
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LNB Modification for 10 GHz QO-100 Satellite Reception

This article shows how to modify an inexpensive LNB to accept an external LO-reference signal in order to be used as a K-band downconverter for QO-100 (Qatar Es’hail 2) amateur radio sattelite reception, radio astronomy or similar K-band experiments. This article is a shortened version of a scientific paper that I wrote as the lead […]
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JFET-based infinite impedance detector for AM-demodulation

The so-called “infinite impedance detector” is a circuit that was commonly used in the old days of vacuum tubes. Since vacuum tubes can be somewhat considered to be heated JFETs, it is evident that such a circuit can also be built using a more modern, silicon-based approach. This article covers my first experiments with a […]
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SITOR-B / NAVTEX Test Signal Generation

This article shows how to generate valid NAVTEX message bitstream using an Arduino. The Arduino implements proper CCIR476 character encoding, SITOR-B forward error correction, synchronization and phasing signals. An entry-level function generator is then used as a FSK modulator on 518 kHz where it can be received by a NAVTEX receiver. UPDATE: There also is […]
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